Localizado entre o Alto Rio de Dentro e Rio da Invernada, o Morro Bicudo tem uma das trilhas mais gostosas de se fazer, são duas horas de caminhada até contornar o Morro, pela direita tem-se o vale do Rio de Dentro, pela esquerda, o vale do rio da invernada, e em todo o percurso as belezas naturais impressionam. A foto acima mostra o Morro Bicudo visto de longe.
Located among High Rio From within and Rio of the Hard winter, the Beaked Hill has one of the most pleasant trails of doing, they are two hours of walk to outline the Hill, for the right it is had is worth him/it From within of Rio, for the left, it is worth him/it of the river of the hard winter, and in the whole course the natural beauties impress. The picture above display the Beaked Hill seen from a distance.
Located among High Rio From within and Rio of the Hard winter, the Beaked Hill has one of the most pleasant trails of doing, they are two hours of walk to outline the Hill, for the right it is had is worth him/it From within of Rio, for the left, it is worth him/it of the river of the hard winter, and in the whole course the natural beauties impress. The picture above display the Beaked Hill seen from a distance.
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